Judicial Watch
July 18, 2023
Who Is David Weiss?

On June 20, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Delaware announced a sweetheart plea deal with Hunter Biden, the son of President Biden. Hunter Biden would plead guilty to two tax charges and enter a diversion program on a gun possession charge. Diversion programs are usually focused on drug offenses—Biden has a well-documented history[…]

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July 18, 2023
Major Revelations in Trump Russia Scandal, Clinton Corruption—Hillary Did It, Obama Knew—Judicial Watch Warnings Came Early & Often

Early on, Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton smelled a rat. As Tom wrote in his 2020 book, A Republic Under Assault, Judicial Watch had for years been digging deep into the origins of the notorious anti-Trump Steele Dossier—“a thirty-five-page report filled with ludicrous, salacious and completely unfounded allegations”—and the relentless campaign against President Donald Trump. “Let[…]

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May 10, 2023
Judicial Watch Cleans Up Colorado Voting

Cleaning up dirty voter rolls is not easy or quick work. Exhibit A: Colorado. Nearly three years ago, Judicial Watch filed a federal lawsuit in Colorado after gathering evidence that the state was a serial offender in failing to comply with the voter list maintenance requirements of the National Voter Registration Act. Why does this matter? The[…]

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April 7, 2023
What’s Wrong with ERIC? Judicial Watch Study Details Left-Leaning Roots, Data Security Concerns, Possible Violations of Federal Law at the Electronic Registration Information Center

Republican-leaning states are bailing out of the reputedly non-partisan Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) and the media are in an uproar. National Public Radio declares that ERIC is a victim of a “far right…disinformation campaign.” The New York Times warns that ERIC is under attack from “election deniers.” The very “backbone of American elections is[…]

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Who Is Alvin Bragg?

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg last week rocketed to global celebrity with his indictment of former president Donald Trump on charges related to a 2016 hush money payment. Trump’s lawyers immediately fired back. “He did not commit any crime,” the attorneys said. “We will vigorously fight this political prosecution in court.” And so the stage is[…]

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March 20, 2023
Trump Vindicated? Media Elite Turn on “Russiagate” Coverage

The entire mad media Russia mess of the Trump presidency—the furious coverage of the salacious Steele Dossier, the Mueller special counsel probe, the presidential tweets and bombast, the FBI inquiries, Congressional inquiries, inspector general inquiries, the sinister suggestions of collusion and corruption, treason and betrayal, prostitutes and pay offs, the small fish hauled in and[…]

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January 11, 2023
Judicial Watch’s Guide to Congressional Investigations

The new House of Representatives was sworn in early Saturday morning after Kevin McCarthy was elected Speaker on the fifteenth ballot. The House GOP leadership promises an ambitious agenda of investigations, including a special committee on the weaponization of federal agencies, but history is not reassuring. Will the House probes bring real progress—important new information, defunding[…]

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Judicial Watch and New York City Settle Federal Lawsuit on Voter Registration Clean-Up

(Washington, DC) PRESS RELEASE Judicial Watch announced today that it is settling a federal election integrity lawsuit against New York City after the city removed 441,083 ineligible names from the voter rolls and promised to take reasonable steps going forward to clean its voter registration lists Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit in July against New York City after[…]

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John Podesta: The Scandal Master Returns

Students of scandal took note last month when President Biden announced the appointment of one of the dirtiest figures in presidential politics as his clean energy czar. John Podesta, the White House said, would step in as “Senior Adviser to the President for Clean Energy Innovation and Implementation,” overseeing the new Inflation Reduction Act’s “expansive”[…]

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The Real Ken Starr

Funeral services for former Whitewater independent counsel Ken Starr will be held Saturday in Waco, Texas. Starr died September 13 in Houston. He was 76, a son of Texas. Coverage of his passing was entirely predictable: the media, the Left, and the academy vilified him in death precisely as they had vilified him in life.[…]

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