As New York City goes, so goes the nation? That’s the big question from America’s largest city as we enter the second month of the coronavirus pandemic. New York is at the epicenter of the crisis. The grim numbers change fast. As of March 31, reports show more than 40,000 cases, with 932 fatalities, in[…]
Read MoreLife continues to unfold, even in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. That includes—flying mostly under the media and legal radar—the most consequential freedom of information battle in a generation: Judicial Watch’s long fight for records related to Hillary Clinton’s emails and the Benghazi affair. In a landmark ruling earlier this month, U.S. District Court[…]
Read MoreJudicial Watch has been documenting rising social disorder in New York City at the hands of Mayor Bill de Blasio and radical activists in Albany and Washington. Last year, Democrats rammed through the state legislature a reform package that eliminated cash bail for a wide range of offenses—from assault, arson and child abuse to manslaughter,[…]
Read MoreIt looked like a classic Justice Department squeeze play: pile a boatload of corruption charges on then-Representative Duncan Hunter, Republican of California, drag in his family, and plead it down to a single count and a resignation. But Hunter fought back. And now Judicial Watch has uncovered new evidence supporting allegations of misconduct by prosecutors[…]
Read MoreJudicial Watch followers have been asking about the outcome of our appeal to the New York State Supreme Court for information related to the murder of NYPD Patrolman Phillip Cardillo. Cardillo was gunned down inside Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam Mosque in 1972, in one of the most notorious crimes of the era—the Harlem Mosque[…]
Read MoreMayor Bill de Blasio tells anyone who will listen that New York is “the safest big city in America.” And for a long time, that appeared to be true. But signs of rising urban disorder lately have been sending a different message. And increasingly, the mayor’s own safe-city crime statistics seem suspect. De Blasio stakes[…]
Read MoreThe impeachment trial of President Trump rolls on, but back in the real world, signs of a different sort of trouble are growing. It now seems clear we are living in a new anti-Semitic moment. From American college campuses to the streets of New York, from the cities of Europe to the Arab countries of[…]
Read MoreThe Clintons were back in the news last week, with word coming that Hillary had been appointed chancellor of Queen’s University, Belfast, and reports that Chelsea raked in a cool $9 million as a board member of IAC, the internet investment firm. More good news for the Clintons arrived with a Washington Post report that[…]
Read MoreAmerica’s cities lurched left in 2019, entrenching a new generation of radical activists in municipal and criminal justice posts, and 2020 looks like more of the same. Nationwide, notes the Manhattan Institute’s Steven Malanga, the Left is “pulling back on enforcement of quality-of-life infractions, ceding public space again to the homeless and drug users, undermining public[…]
Read MoreOne of the most outrageous cover-ups in New York City history went back to court in November. For the Appellate Division of the New York State Supreme Court, it was an opportunity not just to right a wrong in a decades-old murder case, but to send a message that the New York City Police Department’s[…]
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