Voting on Three Important Ballot Proposals in New York City Tomorrow
November 5, 2018

Voting on Three Important Ballot Proposals in New York City Tomorrow

New York City has three important ballot measures before the voters tomorrow. Flip your ballot over: the proposals are on the back. Essentially, the three proposals are all about the same thing: the fight against corruption through further democratization of the system. Here are my recommendations. (These are my personal endorsements and have no relation to my employer, Judicial Watch.)

Ballot Proposal 1: Vote Yes.

These revisions to New York’s campaign finance system would weaken the power of large donors and special interests and help deter corrupt practices. The proposal boosts the power of small donors, increases matching funds, and creates better chances for a more diverse slate of candidates. For more information:

Ballot Proposal 2: Vote No

The proposed Civic Engagement Commission would give City Hall more influence over discretionary funds and community organizations, cutting into the influence of the City Council. It’s a naked power grab by the mayor and should be rejected. More information:

Ballot Proposal 3: Vote Yes

The proposal would impose term limits on community board members. Members would be limited to four consecutive two-year terms. This important measure further democratizes New York’s community boards, which often are dominated by members beholden to local power brokers. As de Tocqueville noted, the spirit of association is the mother science of American democracy. Proposal 3 breathes new life into community associations. More information:



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