Posts Tagged: Clinton
The New Tammany Hall: New York in an Age of Corruption

De Blasio, Clinton cronies are carving up the city. Right, developer Bruce Ratner   In New York City, the controversy plagued Atlantic Yards development appears to be heading for trouble again. That could create problems for Mayor Bill de Blasio and presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton. Allies of both Democrats have profited mightily from the project.[…]

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May 10, 2016
The Whitewater Draft Indictments: National Archives v. Judicial Watch

New details continue to emerge from Judicial Watch’s Freedom of Information Act fight with the National Archives over the release of draft indictments of Hillary Clinton in the Whitewater case. According to the Archives, release of the indictments — drafted by an independent counsel examining the Clintons’ relationship to a corrupt Arkansas S&L and an[…]

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May 2, 2016
Benghazi: What Did Bill Clinton Know & When Did He Know It?

New documents obtained by Judicial Watch raise questions about the role of Clinton Inc. in the Benghazi debacle, particularly the involvement of Bill Clinton and longtime Clinton hatchet man Sidney Blumenthal. Mrs. Clinton, seeking to ease concerns about her ties to the Clintons’ powerful political machine, famously pledged as secretary of state-designate not to “participate[…]

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