Posts by: Micah
April 14, 2016
The Clinton Shell Game

“For the duration of my appointment as Secretary if I am confirmed, I will not participate personally and substantially in any particular matter involving specific parties in which The William J. Clinton Foundation (or the Clinton Global Initiative) is a party or represents a party.” —Secretary of State-designate Hillary Clinton in a letter to State Department[…]

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Why Whitewater Matters

Aficionados of complex financial crime will want a look at a new, never-before-seen document obtained by Judicial Watch. Last month, Judicial Watch released 246 pages of previously undisclosed Office of Independent Counsel (OIC) internal memos on criminal charges against Hillary Clinton in the Whitewater investigation. On February 9, this reporter provided more details on the[…]

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February 12, 2016
Remembering & Honoring Phil Cardillo

An update from Micah: It was such a pleasure to receive this honor from the Retired Detectives Association of the NYPD in the Bronx on January 13. It meant so much to me and my family. Along with the police brotherhood, and particularly the current and former members of the 2-8 Precinct, we remember and[…]

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Hillary’s Email Troubles & Whitewater

Hillary Clinton may or may not be indicted in the State Department emails scandal, but one thing is certain: she’s been to this dance before, facing possible criminal charges. Mrs. Clinton “may have been involved in a crime in 1986,” according to never-before-seen portions of an Office of Independent Counsel (OIC) memorandum in the Whitewater[…]

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Judicial Watch Releases Independent Counsel Memo Laying Out Criminal Case Against Hillary Clinton in Whitewater Land Scandal

‘The Castle Grande transactions were crimes’ Hillary Clinton ‘destroyed’ her personal records A case of ‘possible obstruction’ of justice Sources say redacted portions of memoranda contain a draft indictment of Mrs. Clinton Never-before-published prosecution memos from April 1998 say Clinton’s ‘sworn statements to the RTC, the FDIC, the Senate and the House of Representatives and[…]

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January 29, 2016
Here’s the Suppressed NYPD Terror Report

The ACLU and its allies have succeeded in getting a federal court to order the New York Police Department to remove from its website the prescient and far-reaching 2007 report, “Radicalization in the West: The Homegrown Threat.” But you can read it here, courtesy of Judicial Watch. Apparently First Amendment rights do not extend to[…]

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November 23, 2015
Clinton Finances: White House or Big House?

The Clinton Foundation and its global spawn are back in the news with Monday’s “refiling” of IRS tax returns from 2010 through 2013. The numbers are staggering. $20 million, most of it from foreign governments, directed to the foundation while Mrs. Clinton served as secretary of state. About $338 million in 2014, as reported in[…]

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November 16, 2015
Memo to Marco: It Ain’t the “Crime,” It’s the Cover-Up

The Rubio presidential quest has had a good few weeks — strong at the debates, sound on policy, positioned well as the conservative alternative to Trump and Carson — but the media sense blood in the water. The immediate cause of your troubles, of course, is your credit card records — particularly your use of[…]

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November 4, 2015
Hillary Clinton’s Rogue Agenda: Why Sid Blumenthal Matters

After the media inexplicably dubbed Hillary Rodham Clinton the “winner” of the Benghazi hearings, her apologists dismissed a line of questioning into her unofficial adviser, Sidney Blumenthal. So he was sending her e-mail offering advice on Libya and other matters of state. In the immortal words of Clinton at an earlier Benghazi hearing, “What difference[…]

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October 29, 2015
Benghazi: What We Learned At The Clinton Hearing

The Select Committee on Benghazi rose from the dead Thursday with a tough but largely respectful 11-hour grilling of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Yes, there was plenty of kabuki theater — Democrats denounced GOP political motivations, Republicans pounded the table, fireworks flew over Sidney Blumenthal and emails — but significant new details emerged[…]

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