Qatargate Corruption Scandal: Explosive Revelations Ahead?
Posts by: Micah
December 7, 2016
Swamp EB-5

We’re hearing a lot these days about “draining the swamp” of Washington corruption but as every serious student of crime and punishment knows, the swamp is not one, but many. The swamp contains multitudes. It is Washington. It is New York. It is San Bernardino County. It is the “high places before Jerusalem” — meaning[…]

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November 30, 2016
Trump & Preet

President-elect Trump’s creative destruction of the established order in Washington continues to transfix the chattering classes and only a charlatan would claim to know where it all will end. Anti-corruption aficionados across the political spectrum are mesmerized by the spectacle of Mr. Trump’s vast business empire on a collision course with the presidency. In a[…]

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November 23, 2016
Drowning In The Swamp

The Trump transition is picking up steam and it’s clear we’re in for some interesting times in Washington. This is not going to be business as usual. But already there are danger signals flashing for the president-elect. Mr. Trump famously campaigned on “draining the swamp of corruption in Washington,” a call that resonated that across[…]

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November 16, 2016
Who Was Mike Rogers?

It’s a chaotic week over at the Trump transition. Former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers, a Chris Christie ally, is out as senior national security adviser. Only days ago, the Great Mentioners were mentioning Rogers as the next CIA chief or Director of National Intelligence. So it goes at the court of the Sun[…]

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November 9, 2016
Entering The Trump Era, A Changing Investigative Landscape

Congratulations to President-elect Donald Trump. Presidents come and go, but scandal and crime are timeless. Here are three epic investigations that will reach an endgame in the new world of Trump. The Emailiad. Homeric in scope, the saga of HRC’s emails is one for the history books, with a major impact on the presidential race.[…]

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November 2, 2016
Transparency Failures; NY State of Corruption; Bill & Loretta

Greatest Transparency Failures Ever? In one week, thank God, the presidential election will be over. But on one issue there is not a whit of difference between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Both represent the greatest transparency failures in the history of presidential politics. To Clinton watchers, Mrs. Clinton has followed a familiar pattern of[…]

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Lessons for Trump From the Clinton Scandals

The Wall Street Journal, October 14, 2016 A generation ago, as the 1992 presidential campaign heated up, The Wall Street Journal asked: “Who Is Bill Clinton?” The country “will get to know, or try to get to know, Bill Clinton and Hillary,” the Journal noted. “The Gennifer Flowers tank has already rumbled by. But where’s[…]

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The New Tammany Hall: New York in an Age of Corruption

De Blasio, Clinton cronies are carving up the city. Right, developer Bruce Ratner   In New York City, the controversy plagued Atlantic Yards development appears to be heading for trouble again. That could create problems for Mayor Bill de Blasio and presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton. Allies of both Democrats have profited mightily from the project.[…]

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May 10, 2016
The Whitewater Draft Indictments: National Archives v. Judicial Watch

New details continue to emerge from Judicial Watch’s Freedom of Information Act fight with the National Archives over the release of draft indictments of Hillary Clinton in the Whitewater case. According to the Archives, release of the indictments — drafted by an independent counsel examining the Clintons’ relationship to a corrupt Arkansas S&L and an[…]

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May 2, 2016
Benghazi: What Did Bill Clinton Know & When Did He Know It?

New documents obtained by Judicial Watch raise questions about the role of Clinton Inc. in the Benghazi debacle, particularly the involvement of Bill Clinton and longtime Clinton hatchet man Sidney Blumenthal. Mrs. Clinton, seeking to ease concerns about her ties to the Clintons’ powerful political machine, famously pledged as secretary of state-designate not to “participate[…]

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